Automation Rules of Truv Verifications in Encompass


Truv operates on a consumer-permissioned model, empowering users to verify income and employment by seamlessly logging into their payroll system. The integration with Encompass enhances Truv's capabilities, enabling the automatic triggering of Truv Orders directly within the Encompass platform.

Traditionally, loan officers and processors had to manually initiate Truv Order within Encompass. The new automated feature eliminates this manual step, providing a seamless and time-saving solution. The automatic triggering is particularly advantageous at the loan creation stage in Encompass, expediting the verification process.


  1. Log into Encompass as an administrator using Encompass Web.
  2. Navigate to the Admin tab at the top of the screen, select Services on the left navigation.
  3. Under Services Management, ensure Truv is configured following the Encompass Admin User Guide.
  4. On the top right side of the screen, click the Automation Rules button
  5. Expand the Verifications category and click the Add button.

This step enables the definition of rules for automated verifications.



Establish a single rule to trigger Truv automatically. Once the set up is done, this applies to all Borrower and co-borrower pairs within the loan.

Adding a new rule

The following steps guide the creation of rules for (multiple) employments for both borrowers and co-borrowers.

  1. Select the Rule Type as ASO Bot.

  2. After the Rule Name and Description to uniquely identify your ASO rule.

    1. NOTE: You may add conditions on when Truv should be triggered using the Condition Error or the Query Builder.

      1. If you use Query Builder to build your own queries, hit the Validate button to ensure the query is accurate. Please note that you’ll see a Validation Successful or any error messages with corrective actions.

      2. Examples of Condition Editor OR Query Builder

        1. if all of the borrower/co-borrower pairs are over 580 credit score
        2. apply to all the lender branches located in TX
        3. apply to all loan applications in State FL
  3. Select the Add button under the Service Order section, then choose Truv as the Provider in the Add New Automated Setup pop-up, and click Create.

Adding a service Order

  1. You should see the Add Service Order window open up

    1. Under Evaluation Level field, select Individual Level
    2. Enter the Service Order Name and Service Order Description,
    3. Under Borrower Settings, in Automated Readiness Conditions, pick Condition Editor and paste the below condition
      1. ([4000] <> “” AND [4002] <> “” AND ([1240] <> “” OR [1178] <> “”) AND [FE0102] <> “”)
      2. Co-borrower has a different query as it relates to different fields
        1. ([4004] <> “” AND [4006] <> “” AND ([1268] <> “” OR [1179] <> “”) AND [FE0202] <> “”)
    4. Click on the Add next to Automated Options under Borrower Settings
  2. This now opens up the Truv Template .

  3. Enter the Name of the template and Number of employments and then click on Save.

    1. NOTE: Truv allows up to 5 employers per borrower. We recommend selecting this as 5.
    1. Click on the Go Back button to go to the Service Order if you are not automatically navigated.
  4. Select the template that you just created for the corresponding borrower

  5. Scroll to the co-borrower settings and repeat Steps 1 - 5 for the co-borrower.

    1. Please NOTE the query for the co-borrower varies from that of the borrower due to the field names
      1. ([4004] <> “” AND [4006] <> “” AND ([1268] <> “” OR [1179] <> “”) AND [FE0202] <> “”)
    2. You'll need to select the template for borrower and the co-borrower separately if you are re-using the same template
    3. If you want to create a seperate template repeat the previous step by Clicking the Add button under Automated Options under Co-borrower Settings. Once you have created the template, don’t forget to select this template
  6. Click on the Continue button at the right bottom corner to proceed after selecting the template for both the Borrower and Co-borrower.

    1. Ensure you see Truv with the newly created Service order under the Service Order
    2. As a final step ensure you have the Service order as Active and click on the Save button



Please ensure that each Rule is enabled by setting the Active mode to ON.

If you are using Encompass SmartClient, please ensure to get out of the loan for ASO to work. If you are in the loan while trying to automatically trigger Truv, the order creation fails and has to be manually created.


The automatic triggering of Truv Orders within Encompass is a game-changer for mortgage professionals seeking to optimize their workflow. By leveraging this integration, lenders can achieve remarkable time savings, enhance borrower satisfaction, and accelerate loan processing. As the mortgage industry continues to evolve, embracing automated solutions like this not only meets current demands but also sets the stage for a more efficient and competitive future.