Scoping Financial Account Aggregation
Decide how to integrate Financial Account Aggregation into your User Experience with effective design and planning.
Evaluate your current process
Financial Account Aggregation collects financial data from user's account. Truv retrieves identity, accounts, and transaction data from a financial institution. You can use that data throughout the application process for your users.
- Pre-qualification - Check eligibility for loan pre-qualification or access a fintech application.
- Verification - Verify users income and spending after pre-qualification, underwriting decisioning, or both.
- Continuous access - Use Truv for consistent access to transaction data. This makes it simpler to automatically update your system.
Financial Account Aggregation allows you to support multiple use cases, such as consumer or personal finance management, auto lenders, tenant screeners, and mortgages. This supports Insurance Verification and asset verification for processing loans as well as finalizing applications.
User onboarding and offboarding
Our intuitive user interface and user experience improves conversion rates compared to traditional methods. Your user experience is more successful when connecting to your user’s financial institution with a streamlined setup. Establish a simple and straightforward process with these benefits.
You can also let users manage their account. With this option, they can disconnect and delete data from the system as needed.
Continuous access for most recent user data
Truv's platform can notify your system when proactively pulling transactions and account data. Receive notifications when new data become available.
If connections to a specific account expires, you can set up a user workflow to return to the application. This lets users re-authenticate with Truv Bridge and connect again, depending on the financial provider.
Using Orders
Truv Orders let you contact users to connect their financial provider information. These solutions are secure, simple, and customizable ways to integrate Truv into your workflow. Use the guide below to learn more.
Updated almost 2 years ago