
Explore Truv use cases with the emulator in different sandbox scenarios.


Test and try out various scenarios using Truv. These features require no code for you to run. Get started with these sample integration solutions.

The emulator lets you view the Truv experience as a user. Each sandbox scenario offers a user context and situation for specific workflows. Simulate Truv integrations and use cases with the information from the sections below.

Truv Emulator

Access the Truv Emulator through the Truv Dashboard. This is a simulation of the Truv workflow. Experience Truv as a user and navigate different workflows and situations.

At the top, you can toggle Sandbox mode for testing various user scenarios. Additionally, the test scenarios are also available in Production mode with providers such as Truv Payroll Provider, Truv Bank, and Truv Insurance Provider, which can be accessed through the search function. View the Sandbox scenarios section for additional details.

Learn more about the Truv Dashboard in the guides below.

Sandbox scenarios

Truv offers testing with our products with different user scenarios. The credentials below let you preview various user journeys. Use these values as login information to proceed with the scenario. In case you want to provide a SSN for an applicant, you have to use the SSN attached to the particular credentials scenario.

Supported scenarios and credentials

Test unique user scenarios with the appropriate credentials. View the available scenarios for the Truv products below. Each section describes the eligible credentials for the supported products.


Every Truv product is eligible for testing the scenarios in this section. Use the table below for the appropriate credentials for testing each scenario.

UsernamePasswordSSNScenarioSample Reports
anyanyLogin Error
goodlogingoodpassword991-91-9991Successful login with complete data returned. Choose Social Security Administration provider for benefits recipients.pdf
goodlogin.weeklygoodpassword991-91-9991Similar to goodlogin but with a weekly pay frequency.pdf
goodlogin.semimonthlygoodpassword991-91-9991Similar to goodlogin but with a semi-monthly pay frequency.pdf
goodlogin.monthlygoodpassword991-91-9991Similar to goodlogin but with a monthly pay frequency.pdf
goodloginmfa991-91-9991Multi-factor authentication login, use code 12345
NOTE: Using any other code results in an MFA error.
goodloginlongcheck991-91-9991Successful login with additional wait time for completion, about 30 seconds
firsttimeborrowergoodpassword991-91-9991Successful login with complete data returned for Alice Firstimer as per Fannie Mae standard.pdf
fannie-test.case4goodpassword666-00-6666Successful login with complete data returned for Pitt Rock, Jr. as per Fannie Mae standard.pdf
fannie-test.case5goodpassword999-60-6666Successful login with complete data returned for Suzi Builder as per Fannie Mae standard.pdf
fannie-test.case6goodpassword999-40-5000Successful login with complete data returned for John Homeowner as per Fannie Mae standard.pdf
fannie-test.case7goodpassword999-42-2345Successful login with complete data returned for Lucky Knowscore as per Fannie Mae standard.pdf
goodloginmfa_captcha991-91-9991Captcha question is asked, use 9M4BPto pass the check
goodloginmfa_select991-91-9991Multi-factor authentication login with verification method selection. Use any method and 12345 code
goodloginno_dataNo data found in the provider account
error.userlogin_errorIncorrect login and password
error.usermfa_errorIssue with multi-factor authentication
error.useraccount_lockedLocked account, requires provider unlock
error.userunavailableProvider is going through maintenance and isn't available
error.usererrorGeneric login error

Native login via mobile SDKs

Native logins in mobile SDKs in sandbox environment are available when using Truv payroll provider. Native login for other providers work in production mode only.


Data refreshes will automatically succeed if the goodlogin/goodpassword credential combination is used. To test for a failed refresh, use the goodlogin/mfa credential combination from the initial verification. This will result in the refresh having the mfa_error status.

Additional login fields

Providers may also use specific fields for login information. The points below cover these credentials for testing successful scenarios in Truv. These are the same scenarios as the goodlogin credentials from the table above.

  • Phone number - (111)111-1111
  • Email - goodlogin@domain.com


These four products are available for testing the credentials below. Insurance Verification isn’t supported at this time for these scenarios. Use the values in this table for the products, VOIE, VOE, DDS, and PLL.

wrongloginwrongpwdPage under construction
fulltimegoodpassword2211Full time salesperson
hourly.part-timegoodpassword666382548Hourly part-time worker
partial.datagoodpassword2222Partial data returned, payroll provider incomplete
militarygoodpassword9988Military MyPay data
error.userconfig_errorIncorrect organization ID, failed data import
multiple.employmentsgoodpasswordMultiple employments with different employers
multiple.employments2goodpassword7740Multiple employments with the same employer
nonactivegoodpassword1890Employment with an end_date value
unemploymentgoodpassword9988Unemployment benefits with weekly pay frequency


The credentials below are eligible for both VOIE and VOE products. The values below are for the supported scenarios.

goodlogin.shiftgoodpasswordGig worker, including earned wage access (EWA)

VOIE (Retirement, Disability and Veterans Benefits)

Retirement Benefits, Disability Benefits and Veterans Benefits test scenarios for the VOIE product are available. Retirement and Disability Benefits scenarios will return a sample Social Security Administration Benefits Verification Letter instead of a paystub. Veteran Benefits will return a VA Benefit Summary Letter if Veteran Affairs provider is selected or a retirement paystub if DFAS myPay provider is selected.

Once the Truv bridge opens, search for the desired benefit type, select a login method and use the successful login goodlogin and goodpassword credentials.

Insurance Verification

The credentials below are eligible for Insurance Verification product.

goodloginoptionless_mfaMulti-factor authentication login without option selection, submit code 12345 for successful scenario
goodlogingood_commercialSuccessful login with commercial policies
goodlogingood_floodSuccessful login with flood and home policies
goodlogingood_expensiveSuccessful login with dwelling coverage premiums more than 2.45x of goodpassword
goodlogingood_underinsuredSuccessful login with higher home Coverage A limit
goodlogingood_homeSuccessful login with home policy only
goodlogingood_autoSuccessful login with auto policy only
goodlogingood_partial_autoSuccessful login with auto and home policies, auto policy is partial
goodlogingood_landlordSuccessful login with landlord policy
goodlogingood_no_policiesSuccessful login with no policies or policy-related data, returns profile-related data
goodlogingood_completeSuccessful login with different combinations of policies, vehicles, dwellings, coverages, and endorsements
goodloginadamsSuccessful login with realistic flood and home policies, static data matches PDF dec pages
goodlogingood_mortgageeSuccessful replacement of the first mortgagee on the policy
error.useraccount_unactivatedError case with locked account. Requires provider account activation.

Native reset for authentication

Truv Sandbox supports authentication reset workflows in supported implementations. Follow the process below.

  1. Enter values in requested fields
  2. Use goodlogin credentials for verification during MFA

Multi-factor authentication and re-verification

For the embedded Truv flow and Orders, borrowers may be required to go through MFA during authentication. The re-verification during an automated refresh could also require MFA and could fail as a result. For Orders, the borrower would receive a notification to re-verify. For the embedded flow, you would need to implement the appropriate steps to contact the end-user.

In order to test this scenario, please use MFA credentials in the original verification and trigger a data refresh via Truv's API.

For additional troubleshooting, view the Data Refresh guide for more information. For Orders, please use the Data Refresh endpoint within Orders.

Payroll data source testing

The Truv products below collecting payroll data have their own supported testing connections. View the Supported companies for testing section when using payroll as a data source in the supported sandbox environments.

Supported companies for testing

The list below contains the available information for Mapping. These companies return a company_mapping_id value for integration.

  • Facebook - Workday
  • Bank of America - Company with single sign on
  • Kroger - Custom integration
  • Fannie Mae - ADP
  • Freddie Mac - Workday



In the emulator, only sandbox companies have the correct company_mapping_id value. Production environments have all valid mapping information values for many large US-based organizations and data providers.

Document processing testing

When testing for Integrating Document Processing, the PDF downloads in the list below cover different scenarios for sandbox use.

Upload the documents for testing different sandbox response results. Pay statements and tax documents return data when successful. Unsuccessful uploads respond with status updates. Users and applicants require both first_name and last_name values for testing.



For 1099 tax documents, Truv supports parsing for formatting from any year after 2021. This includes the following 1099 forms.

  • 1099-DIV, 1099-G, 1099-INT, 1099-MISC, 1099-NEC, 1099-R

Suspicious document detection

Documents from uploads may have fraudulent, consistent, or unacceptable data. When encountering these issues, mark specific instances for review. Prevent malicious activity with additional analysis and attention.

View the table below for various scenarios and PDF examples.

Tampered documentsInformation is falsified or manipulatedTampered 1, Tampered 2, Tampered 3
Different Social Security NumbersPersonal information is inconsistentSSN 1, SSN 2, SSN 3
Different company namesCompany information is inconsistentCompany 1, Company 2, Company 3
Different applicant namesPersonal information is inconsistentApplicant 1, Applicant 2, Applicant 3
Documents without data, or with invalid dataInformation is missing or unable to be parsedNo data 1, No data 2, No data 3



Test scenarios use the file name to return results. Testing ignores the file contents when in the sandbox.

What’s Next

View more information about getting started with Truv from the guides below.