Implementing Financial Account Aggregation Solutions

Use this guide to configure and connect user's bank accounts in your workflow.


Follow the step-by-step guide below to use Financial Account Aggregation in your application for income and asset verification.

Summary of sequence diagram

The diagram below shows the overview of token and data exchanges. The sequence covers your application, Truv Bridge, your server and backend, as well as the Truv API. View the Steps section to get started.

  1. Request a bridge_token value from your backend.
  2. On your backend server, create a user and request a bridge token from Truv's API.
  3. Initialize Truv Bridge in your application and pass the bridge_token to TruvBridge.init.
  4. When a user successfully connects their account, it generates a public_token. Truv Bridge hands off the public_token to the client through the onSuccess callback.
  5. After the connection status changes, webhook events begin to arrive.
  6. Exchange the temporary public_token for a permanent access_token.
  7. Make an API request to Truv to get the data.




Requests to Truv APIs must use HTTPS with TLS 1.2v encryption or higher.

All API requests require the X-Access-Client-Id and X-Access-Secret headers. These contain your Client ID and Access secret. These values are in your Truv Dashboard.



The Client ID and Access secret may allow access to sensitive information. Store these in a secure and private place.

For API requests, the base URL is the same in each environment. Update the access key with the prefixes below for use with their respective environments.

  • sandbox
  • dev
  • prod


The steps below cover each action for setting up your Truv workflow.

1. Create a User and request a Bridge Token

Create a User in the Truv backend to link different data providers. See the sample cURL request below.

curl --request POST \
     --url \
     --header 'X-Access-Client-Id: {{client_id}}' \
     --header 'X-Access-Secret: {{access_key}}	' \
     --header 'accept: application/json' \
     --header 'content-type: application/json' \
     --data '
     "external_user_id": "12345",
     "first_name": "John",
     "last_name": "Doe",
     "email": "[email protected]",
     "phone": "+14155554193",
     "ssn": "222233333"



The Truv backend only allows a single user for each account in your system. However, a User may have connected with multiple Bridge Tokens and data providers. Store Truv’s User ID and related information in your database.

Create a Bridge Token for the User and include product_type = transactions in the configuration. View the cURL sample below.

curl --request POST \
     --url{user_id}/tokens/ \
     --header 'X-Access-Client-Id: {{client_id}}' \
     --header 'X-Access-Secret: {{access_key}}	' \
     --header 'accept: application/json' \
     --header 'content-type: application/json' \
     --data '
     "product_type": "transactions",
     "tracking_info": "any data for tracking current connection"

2. Initiate Truv Bridge

Using the Bridge Token, initialize the Truv Bridge in your user interface. Follow the example below and pass the Bridge Token to TruvBridge.init.

<script src=""></script>
  // Step 2 - Call backend to retrieve a bridge_token from Truv
  const bridgeToken = <%= Value returned by API call to acquire bridge_token %>

  // Step 3 - Initialize Bridge
  const bridge = TruvBridge.init({
        bridgeToken: bridgeToken.bridge_token,

3. Test Credentials

Test your implementation using sample credentials. Refer to Testing or view the sample usernames and passwords below.

goodlogingoodpasswordSuccessful login with complete data returned
goodloginlow_riskSuccessful login with the low risk consumer profile data
goodloginhigh_riskSuccessful login with the high risk consumer profile data
goodlogingood_assetSuccessful login with only 30 day data returned
goodloginmfaMulti-factor authentication login, use code 12345
NOTE: Using any other code results in an MFA error
error.userlogin_errorIncorrect login and password

4. Exchange tokens

When Users connect their accounts successfully, it creates a public_token. The Bridge hands off the public_token to the client. This uses the onSuccess callback after a user has successfully created a Link.



The public_token expires after six hours.

Exchange the temporary public_token for a permanent link_id with the Exchange Tokens endpoint. The public_token is invalidated after exchanging for a link_id. View the sample JSON values below.

  "access_token": "48427a36d43c4d5aa6324bc06c692456", // used for returning user widget intitalization
  "link_id": "24d7e80942ce4ad58a93f70ce4115f5c",
  "link_hash": "bc917458a3da4b2c8cc8282aa1707aaa"

5. Monitor webhooks

Webhooks to your server can help monitor and notify you of Task status changes. Use link_id or task_id to match the webhook events with Link connections.

    "webhook_id": "609a82aab21e4d9ba2569f35e9e8f26a",
    "event_type": "task-status-updated",
    "updated_at": "2021-04-26T13:02:20.369267+00:00",
    "task_id": "67f2924530564282bbaf6d27655e94a4",
    "link_id": "64f8e374949c4b769706028022626bf1",
    "product": "transactions",
    "tracking_info": "27266f35-bb54-44c3-8905-070641a0c0aa",
    "status": "login"

6. Retrieve data

Use the the Link ID to pull data from the List all bank transactions endpoint.

The JSON sample below contains a comprehensive response.

  "count": 10,
  "next": "",
  "previous": "",
  "accounts": [
      "id": "24d7e80942ce4ad58a93f70ce4115f5c",
      "created_at": "2022-05-04T11:30:00Z",
      "updated_at": "2022-05-04T12:00:00Z",
      "type": "CHECKING",
      "subtype": "",
      "mask": "6789",
      "nickname": "My account",
      "balances": {
        "currency_code": "USD",
        "balance": "100.00"
  "transactions": [
      "id": "24d7e80942ce4ad58a93f70ce4115f5c",
      "created_at": "2022-05-04T11:30:00Z",
      "updated_at": "2022-05-04T12:00:00Z",
      "account_id": "68a7e80942ce4ad58a93f70ce411549a",
      "external_id": "external_key_243901",
      "amount": "100.00",
      "currency_code": "USD",
      "check_number": "123456",
      "categories": [
      "description": "Some transaction",
      "status": "POSTED",
      "type": "DEBIT",
      "posted_at": "2022-05-04T11:30:00Z",
      "transacted_at": "2022-05-04T11:30:00Z",
      "memo": "",
      "merchant_category_code": 5967,
      "location": {
        "latitude": "13.45",
        "longitude": "12.34"