Events Reference

View reference information for Truv Bridge callbacks, events, and errors.


Truv Bridge provides payload responses with user interaction data. Find information for Truv Bridge responses below.

  • Callbacks - Responses for specific Truv Bridge actions
  • Event data - Event type and payload descriptions
  • Errors - Truv Bridge error objects, types, and codes


The functions in this table cover specific actions.

onSuccessUser has successfully connected to a payroll provider and closed Bridge, function expects two arguments, the public_token and a metadata objectrequired
onLoadTruv Bridge has finished loadingoptional
onEventSpecific event occurs with Truv Bridge, see Event dataoptional
onCloseTruv Bridge closesoptional

Event data

The sections below cover values and descriptions for events within Truv Bridge.

onEvent types

These event types are for specific actions occurring within Truv Bridge.

Event TypeEvent PayloadDescription
LOADNoneTruv Bridge module finished loading
OPENCommonEventDataTruv Bridge is ready
SCREEN_VIEWScreenViewDataTruv Bridge screen viewed
EMPLOYER_SELECTEDEmployerSelectedDataEmployer or provider selected in Truv Bridge
DOC_UPLOAD_OPENEDCommonEventDataDocument Upload opened
DOCUMENTS_UPLOADEDDocumentsUploadedDataSpecific document types uploaded
LINK_CREATEDTaskDataUser logging in to their payroll provider as a new Link
LOGIN_COMPLETETaskDataUser successfully logged in to payroll provider
SUCCESSTaskDataUser data successfully retrieved from payroll provider
ERRORErrorDataError during the payroll provider connection process
UNSUPPORTED_BROWSERNoneTruv Bridge is not supported by the user's browser
CLOSECloseDataTruv Bridge closes
MANUAL_DDSManualDDSDataManual DDS operation was successfully submitted
OAUTH_OPENEDOAuthEventDataSent when the user is redirected to a financial institution's login page, for assets and transactions product only


The values in the table below are for general Truv Bridge use.

bridge_tokenstringThe bridge_token value passed to TruvBridge.init
product_typestringType of product, can be undefined if bridge_token is expired
data_sourcestringOptional. The data source that underlies the Truv Bridge viewed by the user.
Possible values: payroll, docs, financial_accounts, tax, scoring_attributes, insurance

CommonEventData example response

View the JSON object sample response below for CommonEventData.

    "bridge_token": "b5cb1933e43043a792a9b337af5824e2",
    "product_type": "income",
    "data_source": "payroll"


This table has data for the Truv Bridge screen events.

view_namestringName of Truv Bridge screen viewed
bridge_tokenstringValue for bridge_token passed to TruvBridge.init
product_typestringType of product
doc_typestringApplicable for only DOC_UPLOAD view name, type of documents to upload, can be paystub, w2 or f1099
data_sourcestringThe data source that underlies the Truv Bridge viewed by the user.
Possible values: payroll, docs, financial_accounts, tax, scoring_attributes, insurance
    "view_name": "PROVIDER_LOGIN",
    "bridge_token": "b5cb1933e43043a792a9b337af5824e2",
    "product_type": "income",
    "data_source": "payroll"


This data is for events during the employer or provider selection process.

bridge_tokenstringValue for bridge_token  passed to TruvBridge.init
product_typestringType of product
employerobjectObject with employer data, contains employer's name, can be null
providerstringID of the selected provider, can be null
data_sourcestringThe data source that underlies the Truv Bridge viewed by the user.
Possible values: payroll, docs, financial_accounts, tax, scoring_attributes, insurance

EmployerSelectedData example response

The sample JSON object below is for EmployerSelectedData.

    "bridge_token": "b5cb1933e43043a792a9b337af5824e2",
    "product_type": "income",
    "employer": {
        "name": "Facebook Demo"
    "provider": "workday",
    "data_source": "payroll"


The table below covers events from uploading documents.

bridge_tokenstringValue for bridge_token passed to TruvBridge.init
product_typestringType of product
doc_typestringType of document uploaded, can be paystub, w2 or f1099
data_sourcestringThe data source that underlies the Truv Bridge viewed by the user.
Possible values: payroll, docs, financial_accounts, tax, scoring_attributes, insurance

DocumentsUploadedData example response

The JSON object below is a sample response.

    "bridge_token": "b5cb1933e43043a792a9b337af5824e2",
    "product_type": "income",
    "doc_type": "paystub",
    "data_source": "docs"


The values in the table below cover events from Tasks.

public_tokenstringValue for public_token exchanged for access_token
task_idstringUnique identifier to use Link when attempting to retrieve payroll data
NOTE: include identifier value for support tickets
bridge_tokenstringValue for bridge_token passed to TruvBridge.init
product_typestringType of product
employerobjectEmployer data object, contains employer's name, may be undefined for admin product type
provider_idstringUnique identifier for selected provider
data_sourcestringThe data source that underlies the Truv Bridge viewed by the user.
Possible values: payroll, docs, financial_accounts, tax, scoring_attributes, insurance

TaskData example response

View the JSON object below for a sample response.

    "public_token": "d80ec8255dc54c5eb7cc03ac05d18ebd",
    "task_id": "2b0e7a7dec1d47678fec4e02af621cc0",
    "bridge_token": "b5cb1933e43043a792a9b337af5824e2",
    "product_type": "income",
    "provider_id": "adp",
    "employer": {
      "name": "Facebook Demo"
    "data_source": "payroll"


Values in the table below are responses for errors.

errorErrorSee Errors section for reference
public_tokenstringAssociated public_token to connection attempt
NOTE: This field is only available if the error returned is associated to a public_token.
task_idstringUnique identifier associated with attempt to use Link to retrieve payroll data
NOTE: Include this identifier when opening a support ticket for additional support.
bridge_tokenstringValue for bridge_token passed to TruvBridge.init
product_typestringType of the product
data_sourcestringThe data source that underlies the Truv Bridge viewed by the user.
Possible values: payroll, docs, financial_accounts, tax, scoring_attributes, insurance
    "error": {
        "error_code": "LOGIN_ERROR",
        "error_message": "Username or password is incorrect",
        "error_type": "LINK_ERROR"
    "public_token": "d80ec8255dc54c5eb7cc03ac05d18ebd",
    "task_id": "5ad1938450c54024bbc967a3a7dc9020",
    "bridge_token": "b5cb1933e43043a792a9b337af5824e2",
    "product_type": "income",
    "data_source": "payroll"


This value is for the Truv Bridge closing.

employerobjectObject with employer data, contains employer's name, can be undefined if no employer was selected
   "employer": {
        "name": "Facebook Demo"


The table below covers events from a manual DDS operation.

actionstringType of operation, can be EMAIL, DOWNLOAD, SHARE or EXTERNAL_FLOW (if enabled).
depositTypestringType of deposit selected in the Truv Bridge, can be entire, percent or amount. Not provided for EXTERNAL_FLOW action.
    "depositType": "entire",
    "action": "EMAIL"


The table below covers events when OAuth is initiated to a financial institution's login page.

bridge_tokenstringValue for bridge_token passed to TruvBridge.init
product_typestringType of the product
task_idstringUnique identifier associated with attempt to use Link to retrieve data
provider_idstringUnique identifier for selected provider
urlstringURL the user is redirected to
    "bridge_token": "b5cb1933e43043a792a9b337af5824e2",
    "product_type": "assets",
    "provider_id": "truv_bank_oauth",
    "task_id": "5ad1938450c54024bbc967a3a7dc9020",
    "url": ""


Below view the error codes for Truv Bridge. Truv Bridge values return as a callback.

    "error": {
        "error_code": "LOGIN_ERROR",
        "error_message": "Username or password is incorrect",
        "error_type": "LINK_ERROR"



Design your user experience to notify your users of login errors when connecting to payroll.

Error object

The table below contains information about the error objects.

error_typestringUnique code describing type of error that occurred
error_codestringUnique code indicating error that occurred, for more see Error codes section
error_messagestringDescription of the error that occurred

Error types

This data is for error type values.

  • LINK_ERROR - Generic error type has occurred

Error codes

These codes provide descriptions for the error.

  • ERROR - Generic error occurred
  • LINK_EXISTS - User's account is already connected
  • LOGIN_ERROR - Incorrect username, password, or both
  • MFA_ERROR - Invalid input for the multi-factor authentication
  • NO_DATA - User account has no data
  • UNAVAILABLE - Payroll provider is unreachable at the time of connection