
Learn how to get started with Truv for your Android application

Setup for Android

Once you have your API keys, it's time to run the Truv Android Quickstart app locally.
Requirements: Android Studio

  1. git clone <>
  2. cd quickstart-android
  3. Create a file with the following content (values with <> should be replaced by the proper keys or values):
truvProductType="<employment or income>"
  1. Open the project in Android Studio and run the app

Run Quickstart

The Android Quickstart app emulates the experience of an applicant going through an employment and income verification.

After opening the Android Quickstart app you will be presented with the Truv Bridge.

Use the Sandbox credentials to successfully connect a payroll account.

When you click "Done" at the end of Bridge you will be able to see the data returned by the Truv.

Step-by-step overview

This flow involves a user, the application front end, the application back end and the Truv. You can see a visual diagram of tokens and data exchange in Bridge section of docs.

1. Authorize and initialize Bridge

Your app sends an API request to Truv for bridge_token.

truv.getBridgeToken { token ->
    if(token != null) {
    } else {
      Toast.makeText(applicationContext,"Issue with Bridge Token", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show()
public fun getBridgeToken(callback: (String?) -> Unit) {
    var endpoint = "bridge-tokens/"
    VolleySingleton.getInstance(appContext).addToRequestQueue(Request.Method.POST, endpoint, null) { response ->
      if(response != null) {
      } else {

Your app loads a mobile page from Truv's CDN with bridge_token into native WebView.

fun loadWidget(bridgeToken: String) {
    val myWebView: WebView = findViewById(
    myWebView.settings.javaScriptEnabled = true
    myWebView.addJavascriptInterface(JsInterface(), "truvInterface")
    val builder: Uri.Builder = Uri.Builder()
      .appendQueryParameter("bridge_token", bridgeToken)

2. User connects account

User selects an employer, choses their provider, logs in, and clicks Done.

  fun onSuccess(payloadJSON: String) {
    val payload = JSONObject(payloadJSON)
    val publicToken = payload.getString("public_token")
    truv.getAccessToken(publicToken) { accessToken ->

Your app sends an API request to Truv exchanging the temporary public_token for access_token.

public fun getAccessToken(publicToken: String, callback: (String?) -> Unit) {
    var endpoint = "access-tokens/"
    var body = JSONObject()
    var publicTokensArray = JSONArray()
    body.put("public_tokens", publicTokensArray)

    VolleySingleton.getInstance(appContext).addToRequestQueue(Request.Method.POST, endpoint, body) { response ->
      if(response != null) {
        var responseArray = response.getJSONArray("access_tokens")
      } else {

3. Get data from API

Your app sends an API request to Truv with an access_token for employment/income verification.

public fun getEmploymentInfoByToken(accessToken: String, callback: (JSONObject?) -> Unit) {
    var endpoint = "verifications/employments/"
    var body = JSONObject()
    body.put("access_token", accessToken)

    VolleySingleton.getInstance(appContext).addToRequestQueue(Request.Method.POST, endpoint, body) { response ->
      if(response != null) {
      } else {

Your app renders the data sent back by Truv for the user.

fun showEmploymentResults(verification: JSONObject) {
    val intent = Intent(this, {
      putExtra("verification", verification.toString())