
View more information about Order webhook responses.

Order status change

The sample webhook payload below is for order-status-updated.

   "user_id": "88fef4cea64c40b5ad6727cc9b0b9fdc",
   "template_id": null

The order-status-updated event occurs when the status of Orders changes. Receiving an order-status-updated event with a status of completed shows successfully processing and payroll accounts are linked.

Field NameTypeDescription
order_idstringOrder identifier
order_numberstringInfo passed into order_number for Order, nullable
employer_idstringUnique Employer ID of Order
link_idstringIdentifier of Link associated to Task, nullable
productstringTask related to specific product such as employment or income
data_sourcestringSource of data. payroll, docs, insurance, financial_accounts, tax.
statusstringOrder status following status lifecycle
user_idstringUnique ID of user
template_idstringUnique ID of template