Tax Documents

Learn more about the reference information for Tax Documents.


The table below has the values for Tax Document fields.

idstringUnique identifier
document_typestringType of document
fileuriLink to tax document file, format is specified in the content-type (up to 2048 characters long)
md5sumstringMD5 hash value computed based on file content
yearintegerTax document year


The link below is the reference for the available Tax Document endpoint.

Example responses

The sample below is a JSON response for the endpoint. The sections below have different document type examples.

    "id": "string",
    "document_type": "Summary",
    "file": "string",
    "md5sum": "string",
    "year": 0


This payload response is an example of a W-2 form.

  'federal_tax': '4102.75',
  'medicare_tax': '816.43',
  'medicare_wages': '58805.40',
  'social_security_tax': '3490.93',
  'social_security_wages': '58805.40',
  'wages': '56269.25'


The example below is for 1099 tax document forms.

  'account_number': 'qwerty',
  'payer_tin': '92-0042304',
  'recipient_tin': '567-89-1234',
  'total_ordinary_dividends': '11 000.25'


The 1040 tax document sample below is the example JSON payload.

  "capital_gain": "1",
  "ordinary_dividends": "1001",
  "other_income": "1002",
  "pension_and_annuities": "1003",
  "pension_and_annuities_taxable": "1004",
  "social_security_benefits": "1005",
  "social_security_benefits_taxable": "1006",
  "total_income": "1007"