
View more information about Order webhook responses.

Order status change

The sample webhook payload below is for order-status-updated.

   "user_id": "88fef4cea64c40b5ad6727cc9b0b9fdc",
   "template_id": null

The order-status-updated event occurs when the status of Orders changes. Receiving an order-status-updated event with a status of completed shows successfully processing and payroll accounts are linked.

Field NameTypeDescription
order_idstringOrder identifier
order_numberstringInfo passed into order_number for Order, nullable
employer_idstringUnique Employer ID of Order
link_idstringIdentifier of Link associated to Task, nullable
productstringTask related to specific product such as employment or income
data_sourcestringSource of data. payroll, docs, insurance, financial_accounts, tax.
statusstringOrder status following status lifecycle
user_idstringUnique ID of user
template_idstringUnique ID of template


Tracking connection attempts for Orders

Order status webhooks will only reflect successful connections. To listen for all connection attempts please refer to task status updated webhooks where the tracking_info field should match the employer_idfrom Order.


New report ID after each completed connection

A new VOIE or VOA report ID will be generated after every additional connection is in 'completed' status