Postman Collection

Truv’s Postman collection lets you get started with Truv using little to no code.


The Truv Postman Collection offers a solution for getting started with your integration with little to no code needed. View the sections below for more on setting up and using Truv with Postman.

Setting up Postman

The section below covers each step for first configuring your Truv Postman Collection.


  1. Install Postman.
  2. Fork the Truv API collection. Run in Postman
  3. Once both the collection and the environment variables are imported into Postman, see the configuration section below on how to correctly configure API keys with the collection.

Configuring Postman

The Truv Postman collection uses Postman environment variables to simplify each API request.


  1. Select the Sandbox environment in the top right corner
  2. Click the eye icon to open the environment settings
  1. Copy in your Truv API keys from your Truv Dashboard into each field:
    1. client_id
    2. access_key
  2. Save your changes and start making Truv API requests!

Making requests

Use the steps below to start making requests to the Truv API in Postman. The example below uses the Create a User endpoint.


  1. In Postman, select Create a User in the users folder in the Truv API collection.
  2. Navigate to the Body tab.
  3. Select the raw radio button option below.
  4. Ensure the type is set to JSON.
  5. Provide Body Params for the following:
  "external_user_id": "12345",
  "first_name": "John",
  "last_name": "Doe",
  "email": "",
  "phone": "+14155554193",
  "ssn": "222233333"
  1. external_user_id is required.
  2. Select Save in the upper right hand corner.
  3. Hit Send to complete the request.