Task Lifecycle

Learn about the different statuses and definitions of Truv Tasks.

When a user first connects their payroll account through Bridge, a persistent Link to a payroll provider is created. This link can be identified by link ID or access_token.

The access_token is used to do important manipulations with the Link including pulling data (e.g Income and Employment report) and initiating Data Refresh.

Every time a new data pull/push is initiated for a particular Link, the platform creates a Task to perform the requested action on the payroll provider side.

Task Statuses

Each Task has a specific set of possible statuses during processing, which usually appear sequentially: new -> login -> mfa -> base_parse -> full_parse -> done. A full description of each status is below.

newThe Task has just been created.
loginAttempting to log into the payroll provider.
mfaAttempting to complete multi-factor authentication.
parseAttempting to parse payroll data.
full_parseInitial parse is done. Parsing of slow objects is in progress.
switch_depositDirect deposit switching started.
doneTask is complete.

Task Error Statuses

In some cases, the Task cannot be completed successfully and will fall into one of the following terminal error states.

login_errorThere was an error logging in.
mfa_errorThere was an error completing the authentication.
config_errorA configuration issue needs to be resolved by the user or developer before we can complete the payroll connection.
account_lockedThe payroll account is locked.
unable_to_resetThere was an error completing credentials reset.
no_dataNo data available from the payroll provider.
unavailableThe payroll provider is unavailable.
errorGeneric error during connection.