
August 1st - 31st, 2023

Truv Platform Updates

Jack Henry Banno Platform Keys

Embark on a new journey with Truv as we introduce an innovate experience for your customers. Now, managing external platform configurations is as seamless as ever. Your customers can easily copy and paste credentials, enter your Banno system URL, and generate keys for the Banno Administration Panel.

Discover this transformative change by logging into Banno today.

Truv Dashboard Updates

Order Form Updates

We’re enhancing the clarity and efficiency of our order form with some thoughtful updates. Introducing new labels, including a “Requested” label positioned directly beneath the requesting company’s name in the responses. This improves readability for Loan Officers especially in scenarios involving multiple employers requesting data for a single connected account or requests that lead to multiple jobs being returned with user authenticating once to the provider. Additionally, we’ve refined the timeline within the order form to accommodate multiple job entries.

Template Selection

Tailoring your Truv orders is now a breeze. Our customers can create templates for unique customizations tailored to their clients or products. When creating an order, selecting from a vast array of hundreds of templates has never been more accessible.

Popular Employers Customization

Taking customization to the next level, we’re pleased to introduce the ability to personalize your template search screen. Add your preferred top companies, which will now display in the Popular tab instead of our default list.

Session Expired Timeout Modal

In our quest for user-friendly interactions, we’ve replaced the automatic logout after five minutes of inactivity with an informative modal. Now, a clear notification informs them of their session timeout, which prompts them to log in again. This update reduces confusion and improves transparency in your Truv dashboard experience.

Support Tickets

Our commitment to elevating your experience extends to our support ticket system. Users are able to report missing data and incorrect information now. We’ve streamlined the process with a user-friendly dropdown menu that allows users to select the product, providing specific reporting options. In addition, there’s a new section where users can view available resources.

Your Feedback Matters

These enhancements to our product are just the beginning of our commitment to you. We value your input and would love to hear about any additional improvements or integrations you envision for the future. Please don’t hesitate to share your thoughts and ideas with us.

Truv documentation

The updates below are a collection of changes to the Truv docs site.

